Know More About The Non-Ferrous Casting Products Before Approaching A Manufacturer

 In Blog, Phosphor Bronze Casting, Silicon Bronze Casting

The task of a metal cast manufacturer isn’t as easy as you suppose them to be as they need to determine a suitable casting method after assessing how a specific metal behaves when they are in a solid, molten or cooling state. The primary objective of metal casting is to get rid of the negative attributes of a metal by mixing them with other elements. If you are approaching a manufacturer who specialises in non-ferrous metal casting, there are a few common metals you can choose from.

3 Common Non Ferrous Casting Products Manufacturers In India Work With

  • Phosphor Bronze

There are numerous phosphor bronze casting manufacturers scattered all over India as this metal has useful properties like resistance to wear, good corrosion, high mechanical load, high tensile strength and excellent elasticity. This is why they are considered to possess good machinability and castability features. Phosphorus enhances the cleanliness and soundness of the metal while it is being cast which makes them stronger and more ductile. Manufacturers can choose from various casting methods. The conditions under which the metal is molten and cast determine the properties and structure of the alloy.

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  • Bronze Casting Manufacturers

Approach renowned bronze casting manufacturers and you will notice that even today the copper alloys are sand casted. The melting temperature is much lower when compared with other ferrous materials. This helps the manufacturers to add details in the casting and use them for decorative applications. Though being softer than steel, they remain corrosion resistant even when salt is added. This is why bronze and brass casting manufacturers can use them to create various marine applications like boat fittings.


  • Aluminium

Since the density of aluminium is much lower than that of iron, it is one of the common Non Ferrous Casting Products Manufacturers uses to create applications which require strength but their weight should be light. These casting products are generally used in the aerospace industry. They are also corrosion resistant as the metal oxide layer created during the oxidization process keeps it protected. The process of casting aluminium is also easier as they have a lower melting point. Though, opting for aluminium casting isn’t advisable if you have a tight budget.

Since you are now aware of the common non ferrous casting products, choose one which suits your requirements and approach a manufacturer offering it.

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