Know More About Sand Casting Before Choosing A Manufacturer

 In Blog, Sand Casting

Metal casting and sand casting are two of the most common manufacturing methods used by designers all over the world. In the latter, sand is used to create complicated mould shapes. Liquid metal is poured into the mould to create a part used in various manufacturing processes. Manufacturers prefer using sand instead of metal as it insulates well and is relatively more cost-effective.  If you want to choose the right sand casting manufacturer, you should know how the process works and what makes it better than other casting methods.

Few Common Benefits Offered By Sand Casting Method

  • The casting process is not restricted to specific part size. It can be used for any size part, irrespective of it being an engine block or a gun trigger if you can fabricate the right mould.
  • The set-up cost of sand casting is low, which makes the entire process cost-effective.
  • Use the right gating systems or cores and you can create complex parts using sand casting.
  • Being highly adaptable, you can implement the process when producing parts in bulk.
  • You can cast all types of alloys during sand casting, provided they can melt and is pourable.
  • Equipment used during the casting process is quite affordable as it requires only sand and reusable patterns.
  • Less time is taken to make the mould which makes the casting process suitable for short production runs.
  • It is a cheaper alternative to other casting methods and can provide complex shapes.

Sand Casting Manufacturers

Know The Applications Of Sand Casting

Sand Casting Manufacturers use various technologies during the casting process which makes it suitable for different applications. The process is quite versatile so you can use it to produce complex parts used during various manufacturing process. Few common products created by sand casting have been stated below,

  • Blowers or impellers
  • Various hardware
  • Screws, nuts or gears
  • Agricultural machines
  • Electronic equipment
  • Automobile parts
  • Engine blocks
  • Tanks to store gas or oil
  • Cams, bushing or bearings
  • Various types of pistons and valves
  • Mining equipment
  • Medical equipment

These being said, it’s time you start looking for a reputable manufacturer of sand casting.

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