How Does A Sand Casting Process Work?

 In Blog, Sand Casting

Sand casting is the oldest used and known casting process that the industries prefer using. However, the type of metals used for casting has changed over time. Sand casting is an easy process as you can cast the molten metal in any form without hampering the process. Sand casting is thus a versatile process producing a wide range of results. The industries generally use sand as the moulding material for the sand casting process. Unlike other types of casting processes, sand casting has its own set of benefits.

Sand casting is a faster process where sand is used as a part of the casting process. Moreover, using sand for casting is an affordable option for the industries as it helps to save the cost of using any other form of machinery.

To know more about the sand casting process. Read on.

Sand Casting Manufacturers

How Does the Process of Sand Casting Work?

Step 1: Creating a pattern design

The first step in the process is to create a pattern design where the metal has to be cast for casting the metal. Make sure that you create a reusable design to ensure that the design can be reused after casting the metal. The industries also use casting designs that will not shrink or contract under extreme temperatures.

Step 2: Forming the Mould

With the help of refractory material, a mould is formed around the pattern under a stable temperature condition. The material used for the Mould must be strong enough to withhold the pressure of the metal. Different sand materials can be used perfectly to create a mould.

Step 3: Pouring of the metal into Mould

In this step, the metal is melted and then poured into the Mould; it fills into the cavity and is left to cool down and shrink in size accordingly. The materials that are particularly reactive with a mixture of oxygen industries generally use the process of argon shielding that helps keep the oxygen away from the molten metal.

Step 4: Casting of the metal

Once the casting process is completed, the additional metal cools down and solidifies, and the sand is broken to get the moulded product. The sand that the industries use to create, mould and recondition the casting is used again for the next moulding process.

NAP Engineering Works is a renowned name in sand casting manufacturing. We have been using this metal casting process for years, and our experts are well trained in providing effective sand casting processes.


To know more, check our website.

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