Enhance Your Knowledge About Aluminium Gravity Die Casting And Approach The Right Manufacturer

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For someone not aware of the term yet, die casting is basically the process through which various non-ferrous alloy parts are cast like copper, zinc and aluminium base alloys. Though there are numerous casting processes, the aluminium die casting process is gradually gaining popularity. They are known as gravity die casting as manufacturers use gravity to fill liquid alloy into the mould, instead of high pressure. They are suitable for products with medium or high volumes.

3 Vital Stages Of The Die Casting Process

  • Step 1

A die release agent is used to coat the heated mould. Non Ferrous Casting Products Manufacturers ensure that the agent spray suits the metal you are casting and cools the mould face.

  • Step 2

To ensure that the molten metal fills every extremity of the mould cavity, the material is first poured into channels in the tool. There are generally two ways through which the molten metal is poured, it is either dosed or steel ladles are used to pour them manually. The manufacturer always tries to make the alloy enter the cavity from the die’s lower part. This helps in preventing the formation of turbulence.

Aluminium Gravity Die Casting Manufacturers

  • Step 3

Manufacturers open the die only after the molten alloy entering the mould cavity cools down completely. This is done manually or using the latest mechanical methods.

5 Primary Benefits Of Aluminium Gravity Die Casting

  • The cast surface generally has a smoother finish as compared with the sand casting.
  • The mechanical properties are more improved than the sand casting.
  • Inserts and steel pins can be cast during the process.
  • Reliable Aluminium Gravity Die Casting Manufacturers ensure excellent dimensional accuracy.
  • The time required for producing Aluminium Gravity Die Casting is faster than other casting processes.
  • Thinner walls can casted which can be a bit hard with the sand casting process.
  • You can stay assured about the casting quality if you can approach a reliable manufacturer.
  • The tooling setup cost can be lowered by outsourcing it.

Ready To Approach The Right Manufacturer?

Since you are now aware of the vital stages of aluminium die casting and the various benefits you can reap by opting for this process, it’s time you start looking for a reliable manufacturer offering high-quality casting at affordable prices.

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