A few important things to know about Silicon Bronze Alloy

 In Blog, Leaded Tin Bronze Casting, Silicon Bronze Casting

Silicon bronze is a brass alloy. It contains less amount of lead. The alloy contains around 96% copper. The remainder is mostly made from silicon. It also contains other alloys like tin, iron, manganese, or zinc. The alloy is popular for its appealing surface finish and easy pouring ability. It has superior corrosion resistance property, irrespective of whether it is submerged in chemicals or other liquids. The alloy was developed for the chemical industry. However, now it is used in many industries owing to its casting properties.


Silicon Bronze Casting Manufacturers

Key Properties of Silicon Bronze

This copper alloy has some specific features that make them stand out from the crowd. Let’s check some of them.

  • The density of the alloy is 8.53 g/cm3. This helps them to benefit from both hot and cold working conditions as well as the heat-treatment process.
  • Silicon bronze is instantly joinable, weldable. It can be soldered and cast. This is the reason Silicon Bronze Casting Manufacturers prefer this alloy. This copper-based alloy is easy to pour or form.
  • The alloy has good strength, resistance, and formability. It is considered to be the best-looking copper alloy.
  • The formability along with an appealing aesthetic makes the alloy more usable. They are an unavoidable part of architectural and decorative industries.
  • Silicone bronze is reddish-gold and has good resistance against deformation.
  • The alloy is a superconductor. It has low magnetic permeability.
  • They are used in blacksmith forges because the alloy can work well under high temperatures. They can be cold-formed between the anneals.
  • This decorative metal is also useful in various applications including electrical components, marine hardware, and also in chemical processing equipment.
  • The metal is more resistant than brass in terms of water corrosion. Thus, they are highly acceptable in marine applications.
  • Silicon bronze is resistant to saltwater, freshwater, alkalis, acids, mist/fog, and other organic chemicals.
  • It is prone to attack by nitric acid, sulfides, ferric chloride, chromates, and various oxidizing salts.
  • The metal is anti-biofouling. It denotes that the metal is antimicrobial inherently. It can defend against the growth and spread of germs.
  • However, the alloy is a bit expensive. But considering the benefits, industries don’t hesitate to use it.
  • Also, the metal can’t be easily recycled because the silicon part can’t be easily removed from the matrix formed during the process of alloying.

Applications of this Copper-Alloy

With other common copper alloys, silicon bronze is also used in many industries. It is widely used for architectural, decorative, and marine applications. And the veterans are hopeful that it will find more niches with the advancement of technology. The key applications as of now are as follows:

  • Hydraulic applications
  • U-bolts
  • Ornamental, decorative, and architectural decorations
  • Welding rods
  • Tubing
  • Marine hardware and shafting

If you think that silicon bronze can be a good choice for your project, contact the supplier. Even if you need Leaded Tin Bronze Casting information, contact the respective manufacturer. Apart from the common properties and applications, you will also get to know other benefits.

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