Common Issues Faced By Bronze Casting Manufacturers

 In Blog, Bronze Casting Manufacturers

Though there are various methods to produce metal alloy casts, a method widely preferred by metal casting manufacturers is bronze casting. Metal casts can be produced in various weights according to your requirements. The traditional process has undergone numerous changes in the last few decades, which has modernized the process, but its basic principles are still the same.

There are still a few issues manufacturers have to face during the bronze casting process. One of the primary benefits of choosing a reputable bronze casting manufacturer like NAP is that you can rest assured that everyone in their team is experienced. They know the common casting defects and undertake the necessary preventive measures to avoid those.

4 Common Casting Defects Faced By Bronze Casting Manufacturers

  • Porosity

Porosity is the commonest casting defect, which is generally caused by issues within the running system. An easy way to eliminate these issues is by using customized running systems. They are tailored according to the clients’ demands. Porousness can also occur due to trapped gasses or air. This casting defect is generally seen inside the casting or on the surface. Gas porousness occurs when melted metal holds a very large quantity of dissolved gas. When the material cools, the casting has more gas-type bubbles. Gas might also enter the bronze casts due to turbulence during the casting method.  Bronze casting manufacturers can avoid it by ensuring that the melted metal is not quickly poured into the mold.


  • Cavities

Cavities and leakages are quite common in non-ferrous castings. Bronze’s size increases with an increase in temperature and its solubility decreases when it solidifies. The precipitated gas trapped inside forms gas cavities. The effect of porosity depends on the type of gas the metal is absorbing during the casting process. Cavities can be either internal or exposed on the casting’s surface. Two common causes are high pouring temperature and uncontrolled or uneven solidification of molten metal.


  • Shrinkage

A crack or breakage on the casting surface is known as shrinkage. Two common types of shrinkage found in bronze castings are pattern maker’s shrinkage and action shrinkage. The former occurs due to the natural shrinkage of the melted metal as its temperature cools. A shrinkage allowance is factored into the pattern style at the beginning of the method. On the other hand, action shrinkage occurs since the density of the metals area unit is less in its liquid form than in its solid form. It occurs when melted bronze flows to the thin section of the mold from a thick section.


  • Inclusions

Unwanted particles like slag or dross are responsible for creating inclusions in casted bronze. It reduces the strength of the end product. It occurs when a filter in the running system fails or when the metal in the mold surface interacts with the outside atmosphere. You can prevent this issue with an improved pouring technique.


Since you are now aware of the common issues faced during bronze casting, always choose reputed manufacturers like NAP and avoid casting defects.

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