How to Select the Right Casting Procedure for Your Metal Items

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Be it a bespoke fitting for a gym instrument or a component specially manufactured for the defence industry or personalised structure for a luxury ship; you need to know about the casting procedure for your metal components before using in any of these industries. Choosing the best metal casting manufacturers is also essential to obtain reliable and quality services for metal casting.

Different industries need different types of metals to prepare different types of components for their final products. The casting process of these components is important to determine the right size, shape and pattern of the same. Typically, there are two processes involved in this job. You need to be aware of these metal casting techniques before determining the best one for your industry as per your budget and needs.

Sand Casting Manufacturers

Sand Casting

This is the most common procedure of metal casting. You can have a long list of sand casting manufacturers in India who can offer you the best products at a reasonable price. This process is used in manufacturing almost 70% of the metal products.

As the name suggests, in this process, sand is used as the mould material. Moulds made of sand are used in this process. The experts pour the melted metal with their hands through a running system. Next, that metal is allowed to cool down inside that sand mould to get the desired shape and size. After taking out from the mould box, the metal product needs some finishing touch to get the desired shape.

Gravity Die Casting

This is a permanent mould casting process. In this process, the molten metal is poured inside the mould through a vessel or ladle. Gravity is the main force applied to fills up the cavity of the mould. Nonetheless, you can control the filling by tilting the die as per your needs.

This is one of the oldest known techniques for fabricating metals, and it is also used in the light-alloy casting industry. The molten metal is poured into the mould from above and fills up the bottom of the mould to create the right shape of the metal.

While talking about the best process of metal casting, most of the industry owners prefer using the sand casting technique. They find it cost-effective, easy, fast and safe. The result is also quite efficient. Hence, most of the times the clients wish to contact the top metal fabricator or metal casting manufacturers to obtain sand casting technique.

NAP is an expert of sand casting. We have vast experience in the metal casting industry and offer our services to various businesses. Please get in touch with us for all types of metal casting requirements in India within your budget.

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