Here Are Some of the Non-ferrous Casting Products You Should Know

 In Aluminium Casting, Blog

In simple terms, non-ferrous means anything that is not made from iron. The uses of non-ferrous casting products date back to beyond the Middle Ages. However, the pace has substantially picked up since the industrial revolution and today products of non-ferrous castings can be seen almost everywhere. Discussed below are a few applications of non-ferrous castings about which you probably didn’t know.

Know the Products of Non-ferrous Castings

  • Aluminium Castings as Aeroplane Frames

One of the non-ferrous metals that is most used is aluminium, and you can see it being used to make the frames of aircraft. Aluminium casting manufacturers make their products in such a way that they can be reliably used to be part of these frames. In fact, the first aircraft that was built by the Wright Brothers in the early 20th century used aluminium crankcase. The reason why aluminium is so preferred for this purpose is due to the strong, durable, lightweight and flexible qualities of this metal.

Aluminium Casting Manufacturers

  • Magnesium Transmission Parts

The transmission parts of automobiles like trucks, cars, motorbikes, and other vehicles are made from magnesium. Due to the fact that magnesium is 33% lighter than aluminium and 75% more light than steel, its castings are preferred throughout the automobile industry. The impact-resistance, high strength-to-weight ratio and castability all add to magnesium’s popularity. If all these impressive qualities were not enough, the durability of magnesium castings is also quite noteworthy.

  • Titanium Golf Clubs

The application of titanium in making golf clubs started in the 1970s and has since become the standard operating procedure in the matter. The strength of titanium is to thank for its use in this application. The light weight of the metal also makes it suitable for manufacturing golf clubs. In essence, the use of titanium for making golf clubs has practically revolutionised the game.

  • Gears made from Bronze

Another use of non-ferrous casting products in the automobile industry is that gear-drive systems are primarily made from bronze castings. The durability of bronze results in minimal and delayed wear-and-tear ensuring that it lasts for a long time. In addition to the durability, the friction co-efficiency of bronze is also quite low, in fact, lower than aluminium and steel. This makes bronze the sought-after bearing material.

These are some of the non-ferrous casting products that can be seen almost every day. However, you wouldn’t realise the fact unless you are told about it.

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