How is Aluminium Casting Used in Manufacturing Fan Blades?

 In Aluminium Casting, Blog

Industrial fan blades are used for ventilation in different fields. They are generally made of lightweight and durable metals, ensuring efficient work. The fans can be customised into various sizes according to the individual needs of the industries.

Aluminium as a Raw Material

Cast Aluminium is an efficient choice of metal that is used to manufacture fan blades. Several factories choose the metal that undergoes permanent mould casting. The aluminium casting manufacturers pay attention to the production process to get the best outcome.

Non Ferrous Casting Products Manufacturers

Process of Manufacturing Aluminium Casting Fan Blades

In this blog, one can get some vital information regarding the manufacture of aluminium casting fan blades. They can know the details of handling the design, production and finishing stage.

  • Designing: Designing the fan blade is the most vital work of the production phase. It is up to the engineers of the manufacturing unit to decide the production process through permanent moulding. Producing blades with permanent casting is much different from green sand casting. In this case, the mould has to be used multiple times. They add ejector tabs and pins on the mould for an even distribution of metal weight.
  • Improving the Process: To gain a consistent result, it is important to improve the manufacturing process. After the molten aluminium is poured into the cast, the engineers take care to maintain the temperature. The high temperature of the metal can cause cracks in the moulds. These cracks can affect the shape of the aluminium blade. To avoid this problem, it is advisable to put a cooling system near the hub of the mould.
  • Using Cooling Brace: After the metal has been moulded into the desired shape, the engineers put it out of the mould. However, the high heat can bend some parts of the blades. They generally use a cooling brace for a proper solidification process. The cooling brace can help to cool down the hot blades instantly and prevent bending due to heat.
  • Finishing Touch: This is the last stage of the manufacturing process. The blades are pre-balanced and checked manually before sending them to a balancing company. They can ensure a perfect maintaining balance of the finished good. This stage is also vital for the assembling of the fan blades.

By following these steps, the aluminium casting manufacturers produce fan blades. The metal’s light weight, anti-corrosion features make it the perfect choice for making industrial fans. One can consult with a well-known metal fabrication unit to gain in-depth knowledge.

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