3 Factors On Which The Cost Of Sand Casting Process Depends

 In Blog, Sand Casting

Though the process of sand casting appears too simple, it is actually not so. The focus of every sand casting manufacturer is on producing complex metal parts with high accuracy. If your project requires components with complex geometrics, just approach a reliable manufacturer and they can easily produce parts in various weights and sizes. Though they are generally used to produce components for the automobile industry, they have other applications as well. As far as the cost of the sand casting process is concerned, there are three prime factors influencing it.

Sand Casting Manufacturers

Approaching Sand Casting Manufacturers? Know The Factors Influencing Its Cost

  • Cost Of The Material

When non ferrous casting products manufacturers state that they are charging you for the material cost, it means that it includes the cost of the metal, the core sand, mold sand and the amount spend to melt the metal. The cost of melting the metal will be more if a large material is being cast and metal you are melting is expensive. The melting cost is generally more than the melting cost. The size and quantity of the cores used during the casting process determine the cost of the core sand.

  • Tooling Cost

The core boxes and the pattern are two of the primary components determining the tooling cost. The pattern cost is dependent on the complexity and size of the part while the cost of the core boxes is influenced by the size and quantity of the cores. The time taken to manufacture the tooling and its cost is largely dependent on the complexity of the cores. An additional tooling material will be necessary if more parts are being produced which will increase the tooling cost as well.

  • Cost Of Production

Various operations are necessary during the sand casting process like mold-making, core-making, pouring and cleaning and the production cost is generally dependent on them. Sand casting manufacturers consider the volume and quantity of cores which will be used during the casting process. If you want to keep the production cost low, approach a manufacturer using automated equipment. The process will not only become slower if more cores are included but even its cost will increase.

Since you are now aware of the factors determining the cost of sand casting, it’s time you start looking for a reliable manufacturer according to your project requirement.

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